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Imad Lambe

Applications Invited for Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) Grant

Environmental issues such as global climate change, desertification and deforestation of tropical forests, loss of biodiversity are posing challenges to modern society. Unsustainable consumption of natural resources in both developed and developing countries threaten not only the supply of resources themselves but also whole ecosystems. Likewise, the impact of these problems is not confined to the administrative boundaries or regions, and so cannot be solved without borderless cooperation. Therefore, international collaboration is important for the environmental conservation for the future.

The Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE), a division of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan (ERCA) was established in 1993 by an initial endowment from the Japanese government together with contributions from the private sectors, including individuals and private corporations. The interest accrued from these fund management is then used to support the projects of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and non-profit organizations (NPOs) aiming at environmental conservation.

Last date of Application :- 01 December 2022


Today, it is more and more important that each citizen tries to solve various environmental problems by changing their good intentions into concrete actions. Environmental NGOs/NPOs will play an essential role in creating the future desirable environment. They will connect individual voices, efforts, and actions, to win society’s sympathy, and expand a “chain of action” through on-site activities. The expansion of a “chain of action” is required in many different areas or stages—from local levels based on each unique life, culture, and economy to global levels based on the relationship of various people of different cultures. The projects of each environmental NGOs/NPOs at the core of the “chain of action” also are expected to be vary. The JFGE will contribute to create sustainable societies through supporting efforts of these environmental NGO/NPOs—while respecting their independence, autonomy, and diversity—and facilitating collaboration with other donors, entrepreneurs, and governments. Through this work the JFGE will help to steward an earth that will become the basis of well-being for future generations.

Environmental NGOs/NPOs have become essential actors in building sustainable societies and environmental conservation. It is important for them to strengthen their capacities for finance, expertise, advocacy, mobilization, and communication that sustain their project. Additionally, from now on it will be important for them to strengthen their capacity to promote collaboration with other stakeholders while respecting their independence, autonomy, and diversity. As these projects are enhanced, we expect they will create a desirable environment by winning citizens’ interest, expanding, and changing the socio-economic system. The JFGE aims to strengthen their support so that environmental NGOs/NPOs can meet previously mentioned expectations. As they garner increased interest and trust both qualitatively and quantitatively, environmental NGOs/NPOs will strengthen their capacities.

Interventions :-

It is impossible to build sustainable societies without local efforts. The JFGE places high value on local efforts that can contribute to community development. At the same time, we will support Environmental NGOs/NPOs so that these local efforts can expand from isolated ones to a “chain of action” through collaboration amongst stakeholders. Lastly, environmental problems are linked globally, across national borders. Therefore, the JFGE will support environmental NGOs/NPOs that target international points of view so that these “chains of action” will link internationally.

Grant Programs:

  • Entry Grant - Grant to support grass-roots projects to expand

  • Continuous-Project Grant - Grant to support grass-roots projects to take a root in the site as self-sustain project

  • General Grant - Grant to support organizational growth by realizing projects efficiently through refining skills

Due to the aspects of efficiency and reducing paper usage, JFGE decided to receive grant request forms online : submission page will open on November 10.


Applicant must meet all of the following criteria:

  • The organization must be a non-governmental organization(NGO) or a non-profit organization(NPO)

  • The organization must possess an Articles of Incorporation or its equivalent bylaws

  • The organization must possess a well-established board of directors and work forces that make decisions for the organization and implements the proposed project

  • The organization must possess an accounting structure capable of bookkeeping and self-auditing

  • The organization must possess an office that serves as a base of their project

  • The organization must prove that they have enough capacity to execute the proposed project by presenting the firm evidence, such as activity report of previous project and achievements

Eligible projects for the JFGE Grant Conservation projects that fall into following categories are eligible;

  • Nature protection, conservation and restoration

  • Forest conservation and tree/grass planting

  • Anti-desertification

  • Agriculture of environmental conservation type

  • Mitigation and adaptation to climate change

  • Building of a recycle-oriented society

  • Air, water and soil conservation

  • Comprehensive environmental education

  • Comprehensive environmental conservation projects

  • Restoration projects

  • Other environmental conservation projects

Legitimate participation of local communities is highly desirable for practical projects such as afforestation, wildlife conservation, prevention of pollution, etc. In other hand, conducting surveys and researches or holding international conferences to promote the activities are recommended. And in any case, previous project experience in the project site is necessary.

For more details please click here

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