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Imad Lambe

GRANT ALERT :- Applications Invited for Global Disability Summit Grant

The Global Disability Summit (GDS) is a unique global mechanism that improves the lives of persons with disabilities worldwide. It was created in 2017 to convene global stakeholders that share the same goal and vision for disability inclusive development.

The first Global Disability SummitwasheldinLondonin2018, and was a historic event for disability inclusion. It was co-hosted by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (now FCDO), the Government of Kenya, and the International Disability Alliance (IDA), which is the permanent co-host of the GDS, gathering unprecedented attention from leaders and decision-makers.

A second Global Disability Summit was held in February 2022 with including even stronger participation from high-level representatives and increased commitments, reiterating the importance and significance of this mechanism. This second Summit was hosted by the Government of Norway, the Government of Ghana, and the International Disability Alliance.

Last date of Application :- 02 Sep 2022


The GDS catalyzes commitments for change in communities across the globe. The Commitments are the heart of the Summits as they provide an opportunity for a multitude of stakeholders to come together to share experiences, ideas and aspiration for development and humanitarian work inclusive of people with disabilities.

The next Global Disability Summit will be held in 2025 (GDS2025), being hosted by the Governments of Germany and Jordan, with the International Disability Alliance. It is crucial for the GDS mechanism that the momentum generated at each Summit continues in the periods between Summits and that civil society is actively involved.

The IDA GDS granting program is part of this strategy and will support local and national initiatives from OPDs contributing to the GDS and the commitment for change (“the IDA grants”).

Interventions :-

As part of the GDS mechanism, this Call for Proposals (CFP) envisages the launch of actions and initiatives to strengthen the GDS mechanism at the national and regional levels and support the GDS cycles. These actions and initiatives may be related to:

  • Advocacy efforts to promote and disseminate GDS2018 and GDS2022 commitments through workshops, promotion materials, dissemination of progress reports, etc.

  • Supporting stakeholders in the implementation of the commitments they submitted.

  • Supporting GDS related advocacy efforts and campaigns.

  • Producing case studies regarding the progress of supporting commitments implementation from the GDS 2018 and GDS 2022.

  • Supporting the signature of and the follow up to the Youth Call for Action.

This list is not exhaustive: any proposal that explores cross-disability partnerships at national level, potential advocacy strategies towards relevant themes of the Summit, or any commitment to disability rights leveraging the GDS to shape international policy and commit international actors are welcome.

This list should be considered with reference to GDS2018 and GDS2022. For activities related to the lead up to GDS2025, another grant call will be sent out in early 2023.

  • Eligible organizations: Organizations of persons with disabilities. Registration certificate will be requested

  • Duration and amount of the program:85,000 EUR between 03 October 2022 and 30 April 2023

  • Maximum number of grants: 15

  • Grants budget and duration: Between 4,000 EUR and7,000 EUR for a period of seven (07) months.

Completed applications must be submitted by email to grant@ida-secretariat.orgunder the title “GDS Grants 2022” before 5pm CET on Friday 2 September 2022. Applications must be completed in English. A completed application must include:

  • One-page cover letter, signed and stamped

  • Grant Application Form

  • Copy of Registration Certificate

  • Copy of Bank account details.


Application organizations must meet the following requirements and qualifications:

  • Being a legal entity or organization of persons with disabilities.

  • Being legally incorporated (registration documents will be required).

  • Currently operating in the country which they are applying.

  • Having a bank account in the name of the organization and the financial capacity to pre-finance 20% of the activities.

  • Showing project management skills, as evidenced by the successful delivery of projects and grants of similar size.

  • Being able to provide evidence of experience in the field of the call for proposals and a vision that corresponds to the objectives of the call.

  • Ability to work proficiently in English for project management and reporting purposes (with delivery to be conducted in local languages).

For more details click here

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