The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. DAP projects should promote a distinctive and positive image of Australia.
Last date of Application :- 30 Sep 2022
Purpose :-
DAP activities should achieve practical and tangible outcomes of high development impact. DAP is able to fund activities that have a direct, practical and immediate impact, including capacity building programs in the areas of governance and human rights engagement. We will favourably consider projects:
in the areas of community and/or rural development, education, gender equality, disabilities, youth, human rights, the environment, small-scale infrastructure, economic empowerment and ad hoc humanitarian relief.
where applicants and their communities make a contribution in labour, materials, transport or cash;
that use sports to achieve development outcomes
that enhance educational and cultural exchanges and people-to-people links
that are achievable and have sustainable outcomes
that provide educational or occupational/skills training
While we always seek a diversity of projects, this year we are especially looking for projects that will support development through:
COVID relief and other areas impacted by the pandemic (such as livelihoods, education and health)
WASH or water management
Education or skills training
Empowerment of women and girls
Interventions :-
This form is to be completed by the applicant online. All applications must be accompanied by a fully costed project budget that provides a detailed breakdown of costs by component. Please note that 10% of the budget must be dedicated towards activities that generate public awareness about the project.
This application form should be read in conjunction with information on the Direct Aid Program available at - If the project involves working with children, the organisation must have a current child protection policy or code of conduct to be eligible.
Projects should be self-contained, with finite time lines. Activities in which the recipient community themselves makes a significant contribution in terms of labour, materials or cash are particularly well-received. Projects that might act as a catalyst for additional development of the community or a model for similar developments elsewhere will also be welcomed. Activities may run up to a maximum of two years. Most projects run for 1 year.
Eligibility Criteria:-
DAP is available on a not-for-profit basis to individuals, community groups, NGOs and other entities engaged in development activities in countries that are eligible for official development assistance (ODA). The Australian Consulate-General in Mumbai supports small-scale, sustainable development projects in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa, with grants typically up to INR 10 lakh.
For more details click here