The Climate and Clean Air Coalition is a voluntary partnership of governments, intergovernmental organizations, businesses, scientific institutions and civil society organizations committed to improving air quality and protecting the climate through actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants.
Their global network includes hundreds of state and non-state partners, and hundreds of local actors carrying out activities across economic sectors.
Last date of Application :- 26 October 2022
Purpose :-
This call for proposals is seeking projects that help drive transformative action in the sector and support achievement of the CCAC’s goals.
Project proposals should develop, enable, or implement innovative solutions that will advance one or more goals of the CCAC Engagement Strategy for the Waste Sector:
Goal 1: By 2030 all CCAC countries have reduced methane from the waste sector to a level consistent with a 1.5°C pathway and have reflected this goal in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other planning and strategy documents.
Goal 2: Prevent and eliminate the open burning of waste at all scales – households to city-wide.
Interventions :-
In line with the above goals, the CCAC Engagement for the Waste Sector has identified possible topics and areas of action to consider when responding to this call. Proposed solutions may include one or more of the following:
Scale-up organic waste separation: Increase capacity at the sub-national, national, and regional levels by providing technical assistance and projects to develop markets and partnerships for compost and other products (e.g., food waste for animal feed, black soldier fly technology, biogas, etc).
Ban open burning of waste: Promote a circular economy that prioritises reuse, recycling, and recovery to strengthen local manufacturing, create jobs, and reduce SLCPs to achieve ambitious national and regional targets (e.g., several countries include preventing of open burning of waste in their NDCs).
Project proposals should be submitted by email to by 26 October 2022 using the Application form.
CCAC strongly encourage all applicants to contact the co-leads and other members of the CCAC Hubs early in the development of their project proposals to facilitate the co-creation process and ensure alignment with CCAC goal
Eligibility Criteria :-
The CCAC is seeking the following characteristics in proposed projects:
Ambition: evidence of the project’s potential to scale up short-lived climate pollutant reductions through transformative changes in the sector, a region, or several countries.
Quality: a clear logic for the proposed outputs and activities and how they will achieve the expected outcomes
Experience: evidence of the project team’s ability to deliver the proposed project and its expertise in the sector
Value for money: the level of funding requested for project delivery in relation to the outcomes the project aims to achieve
Alignment: how well the proposal contributes to achieving the goals of the CCAC Engagement Strategy for the Waste Sector and 2030 Strategy.
Co-creation and consortia between CCAC partners and members of CCAC Hubs is strongly encouraged. This will be facilitated through sessions on the margins of the Global Methane, Climate and Clean Air Forum to be held in Washington DC from 26-30 September 2022.
Only not-for-profit organisations (NGOs, IGOs) and governments can apply.
For more details click here