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GRANT ALERT :- PSEA Outreach and Communication Fund

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

The third phase of the Interagency Community Outreach and Communication Fund on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse has been launched by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) (PSEA). All IASC members and the larger sector will have access to the materials created through the Fund for their continued use and adaption through the Fund, which will offer quick, targeted financial support to NGOs to help them create and distribute PSEA outreach and communication materials.

Last date of application :-

30 June 2022

Purpose :-

  • Applications should contain a broad budget describing project expenses along with a narrative project proposal that includes the following components :

  • An explanation of the problem and the SEA risks in the operating environment where the project will be conducted.

  • Describe the deliverables and how they will reduce or fix the highlighted problems.

  • An explanation of the community that the communication materials are intended to target and how this community can benefit from the communications.

  • measures to guarantee community input and consultation during project development, execution, and assessment, if necessary.

Interventions :-

  • NGO applicants will get grants totaling $20,000 USD. After receiving the money, the programmer implementation period may last up to four months.

  • The funds can be used to create or modify context-specific PSEA outreach and communication materials aimed at communities, such as: Awareness-raising materials (including print, video, or audio) that clarify fundamental ideas, such as what can be considered "sexual exploitation and abuse," the obligations of all actors to prevent and address such acts, and how to protect witnesses, victims, and survivors.

  • They can also be used to develop or adapt PSEA outreach and communication materials that emphasize that protection, assistance, and access to solutions are never conditional. materials (including written, spoken, or recorded) that provide guidance on how and where to raise concerns and seek assistance safely in accordance with recognized complaint and feedback mechanisms (CFMs) and referral channels.

Eligibility Criteria for NGOS :-

  • The initiative will aim to achieve geographic diversity, with particular attention to projects in MENA, Africa, the Americas and Asia.

  • NGOs, especially those with maybe limited financial resources, should provide outreach and communication materials on sexual abuse and exploitation prevention (PSEA).

  • NGOs who support humanitarian efforts are urged to apply.

  • Also eligible to apply are NGO for a or networks, or one of their members.

  • Large international organizations won't be given consideration for this fund

Selection Criteria :-

  • The applicant must make sure that rights-based messaging are present in all of the materials and resources it creates. This means that messaging must refrain from stigmatizing, blaming the victim, and reinforcing prejudices through language and imagery.

  • The goal of the project is to involve the community in all phases of design and implementation, including the creation of key messages, communication tools, and strategies.

  • Activities are organized to make sure the outcomes and methods created are suitable for reaching out to women, men, girls, and boys of all backgrounds using acceptable and accessible means for all groups in a community.

  • Projects may also focus on a specific group that has not been sufficiently engaged by the materials and methods already in use, such as people with disabilities and others.

  • The budget for the project's implementation is clearly laid out in the application, and it is appropriate for the intended scope of work.

For further details CLICK HERE

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