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Webinar on Project Proposal Writing for NGOs By Mr Arockia Stephen

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

We had the benefit of facilitating Mr. Arockia Stephen, who fills in as the Chief Advisor at Sanjeevani.

Mr Stephen talked on the subject "Project Proposal witting for NGOs".

He has long stretches of involvement with the Social segment with a unique focal point of getting ready and drafting proposition for different activities. Throughout the years he has built up his own structure for getting ready to proposition.

He started by saying there is no particular arrangement that will fit the necessities of all associations as every activity and group behind it is extraordinary, yet in any case, there are sure expansive rules.

At first, he separated the proposition into two sections, Strategy proposition, and Project proposition. The methodology proposition includes Program procedure, Organization Strategy, and CSR system which incorporates common goals, objectives, exercises, and targets.

This is important to snare in light of a legitimate concern for the CSR, by persuading the CSR branch of an organization that the objectives and goals of the NGO are equivalent to their Company's.

The subsequent part is that of the Project proposition, which incorporates the particular objective, goals, exercises, and targets identified with the NGO's program, and so on.

Mr Stephen at that point proceeded to expand the substance of the Project proposition as follows:

1. Project title and Summary

2. Project Goal and objectives

3. Project Rationale and need appraisal and Baseline

4. 1. Project Beneficiaries (direct and indirect), the methodology of selection of beneficiaries or criteria, number of beneficiaries

5. Project execution plan (area, faculty, community,etc)

6. Project intercession and exercises.

Further clarifying, he referenced that there ought to be part of marking present in the proposition and that the rundown ought to be easy to understand.

Express the change that you are attempting to get and clarify how would you intend to achieve that change.

Albeit an association will have different objectives, while composing the proposition, there ought to be a solitary objective which ought to be the focal point of the composition. A solitary objective with least destinations will make it simple to pass on the message to the CSR as well as the NGO's own volunteers.

Discussing the significance of recipients, both immediate and aberrant recipients ought to be referenced. What's more, a fitting technique has to be embraced for the correct estimation of the quantity of recipients.

Backhanded recipients incorporate the various individuals who will be emphatically influenced becausse of the venture being embraced like the volunteers (paid), instructors (if its a training venture), specialists (if its a social insurance venture), and so on

A great many people miss the best possible referencing of the execution plan, similar to what will be the specific area, who are work force/network individuals included, and so forth.

Discussing venture of intercessions, we record in detail the grouping of exercises that will be performed, to get accomplish the target.

The grouping of exercises ought to be with the end goal that is structures a characteristic stream from the previously mentioned Goals and Objectives till the finish of the proposition.

The number of achievements and landmarks to be achieved should also be mentioned in the activities.

After these 6 stages, he further expounded on Step7-12:

7. Project Duration and timetable

8. Project expectations and yield, result, sway (What changes will bring from the current situation

9. Project Monitoring and Mechanism

10. Project Sustainability

11. Project Benefits to CSR corporates, establishment, including marking, representative chipping in.

12. Project Budget and its depiction.

The venture span should feature the length of the undertaking, ideally in 1-3 years and furthermore notice in which quarter of the quarter will you start the task and how the various exercises of the undertaking will be eliminated in various months, quarters, and so forth.

Ensure your term and course of events is all around associated with and in a state of sync with your targets.

By referencing your yield and effect make extremely clear what changes this task will realize.

In Project Monitoring, you feature how precisely you will check whether your targets are being accomplished and if the correct advances and exercises are being finished by the arranged succession. It could be careful different sort of gatherings: month to month meeting, sway meeting, program gatherings, audit gatherings and so forth and the focuses to be talked about in the meetings,etc.

Likewise notice the various individuals who will be associated with the different parts of the checking and assessment.

In venture supportability, notice in what manner will the task become a practical concern, in what manner will its working will be dealt with and who are the individuals who will liable for the equivalent. This ought to include letter, mark, or understanding from the individuals and network individuals who will be engaged with the venture, this adds validity to the cases made in the proposition.

At that point Mr Stephen discussed the Steps to be taken in the wake of setting up the undertaking venture proposition:

1. Mapping the Corporate dependent on their CSR strategy

2. Trace nearby help and afterward principle urban communities.

3. Small tasks may move toward neighborhood bank offices, small scale ventures, business visionaries.

4. Publish your task in different web-based interfaces, social media, and hashtag the CSR corporate names or establishments

5. If conceivable, get your Project structured on YouTube for Public and government. Make straightforwardness.

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